Prevention of crime linked to prostitution: greater federal support possible

Bern, 23.11.2022 - At its meeting on 23 November, the Federal Council decided that the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) may now also fund small-scale projects and ongoing activities aimed at preventing crime linked to prostitution. The amended ordinance will come into force on 1 January 2023.

Under the Swiss Criminal Code, the Confederation can provide funding for measures aimed at preventing crime. However, the Ordinance on Measures to Prevent Crime in Connection with Prostitution only provides for federal funding for large-scale projects. Smaller projects with a total budget of less than CHF 10,000 and ongoing activities have been excluded from funding by the Confederation until now.

At its meeting of 23 November, the Federal Council therefore decided to amend the relevant ordinance. This means that in future fedpol can also support small-scale projects, such as an occasional awareness-raising campaign or an event. In addition, it can fund ongoing crime prevention measures by organisations outside the scope of a specific project, for example awareness-raising activities among sex workers. Up to now, funding has been limited to short-term crime prevention projects by third parties.

With this amendment, the Federal Council is creating the same conditions for funding measures to prevent crime linked to prostitution as already exist for measures to combat human trafficking.

Address for enquiries

Communication Section, Federal Office of Police fedpol, T +41 58 463 13 10,


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Justice and Police

Federal Office of Police

Last modification 10.06.2024

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