Federal support measures for persons with protection status S (Program S)

On 12 March 2022, the Federal Council activated protection status S for Ukrainian citizens seeking protection from the war in Ukraine. To support their integration, particularly on the labour market and in training, the Federal Council decided on 13 April 2022 to introduce the “Support measures for persons with protection status S” program. On 4 September 2024, the Federal Council extended the Program S along with protection status S for the third time, until 4 March 2026.

People from Ukraine seeking protection must participate actively in social and professional life in Switzerland. In that respect, they are supported by Program S through integration measures aimed in particular at acquiring language skills and gaining access to the labour market or training. A fast integration, particularly on the labour market, is essential if their stay in Switzerland is to last longer and also in case of return to Ukraine. Integration is also important to prevent inactivity, demotivation and to promote skills from persons with protection status S.

Under Program S, the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) supports the cantons with a financial contribution of CHF 250 per month (which represents CHF 3,000 per person and per year). Once these people are allocated to a canton, the cantons are responsible for implementing the Program and the support measures. Since 1 January 2024, people with protection status S have access to all the support measures offered under the cantonal integration programs. In addition, the cantons apply the same provisions, procedures and measures to persons with S protection status as they do to refugees and temporarily admitted persons. The cantons implement the Integration Agenda Switzerland (IAS) for persons with protection status S, namely a binding integration promotion tailored to a person’s individual needs.

Based on the “Report on the Implementation of Support Measures for Persons with Protection Status S in Spring 2023 (PDF, 677 kB, 27.09.2023)” published on 27 September 2023, the SEM notes that Program S has proven an effective instrument for promoting integration according to the “dual intent” principle.

In order to improve the professional integration of people with protection status S, the Federal Council formulated the objective of achieving an employment rate of 40% for this group of people by the end of 2024. To this end, new concrete measures for labour market integration have been announced at a meeting on 8 May 2024.They supplement the existing cantonal integration measures in the cantons.

Last modification 18.12.2024

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