Switzerland is granting temporary protection to refugees from Ukraine. They do not have to go through an asylum procedure, but are granted protection status S in a fast-track procedure. For this, they must submit an application for protection status S and register at a federal asylum centre (FAC).
Persons from Ukraine seeking protection can submit their application for protection status S via the online web application RegisterMe. To submit an application, they must have been resident in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 and have already entered Switzerland.
Persons from Ukraine in need of protection who have a place to stay in Switzerland and have identity papers should go directly to RegisterMe to book a registration appointment at a federal asylum centre.
Refugees from Ukraine who do not have accommodation in Switzerland are asked to register directly at a federal asylum centre.
Refugees from Ukraine over the age of 18 who have accommodation in Switzerland but do not have any identity papers are asked to report directly to a federal asylum centre.
At which federal asylum centre can I register?
All registrations take place in Urtenen-Schönbühl.
MZH Sand-Schönbühl Moosstrasse 28 3322 Urtenen-Schönbühl |
After registration, the SEM assigns persons with protection status S to a canton. The place of registration has no influence on the canton to which a refugee is later assigned.
You can find all important information here.
MZH Sand-Schönbühl Moosstrasse 28 3322 Urtenen-Schönbühl |
You will find all other addresses on the following page:
If you have questions about living in Switzerland with protection status S (work, social assistance, school, language courses, health insurance, moving, leaving Switzerland, etc.), contact the authorities in the canton responsible for you:
Ukraine contact points in the cantons (PDF, 199 kB, 13.08.2024)
(in German)
- Brief overview for persons in need of protection – Status S (PDF, 2 MB, 27.11.2023)
- Umsetzungskonzept Aufhebung Schutzstatus S. Verfahren und Rückkehr (PDF, 422 kB, 03.10.2023)
- Ukraine: Ansprechstellen in den Kantonen (PDF, 199 kB, 13.08.2024)
- Faktenblatt: Schutzstatus S (PDF, 110 kB, 05.12.2022)
- Ukraine and the accommodation of persons in need of protection: Cooperation between the Confederation, cantons, communes, citizens and NGOs (PDF, 153 kB, 31.03.2023)
Entry, accomodation, communication
RegisterMe web application
Submit your application for protection status S online!
Addresses of all Federal Asylum Centres (FAC)
State Secretariat for Migration SEM
Information for asylum seekers in Switzerland
Travelling with pets
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office BLV
Informationen für Gastfamilien
Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe SFH
Private accommodation for people from Ukraine seeking protection
Ukraine Campax
Refugees from Ukraine can use Swiss public transport for free until the end of May
Alliance SwissPass
Image dictionary English-Ucrainian (and other languages)
Інформація для осіб з України (facebook.com)
Diaspora TV Switzerland
Medical matters
Krebsliga / Ligue contre le cancer / Lega contro il cancro
Ukrainian Cancer Patients in Switzerland
Information for Ukrainians: healthcare in Switzerland
Health information for asylum seekers
- Medizinische Grundversorgung
- Coronavirus: general fact sheet
General information on COVID-19 vaccination
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Integration, work
Fachstellen Kantonale Integrationsprogramme KIP
- Ansprechstellen für Integration in den Kantonen und Städten
Cantonal immigration and employment market authorities
State Secretariat for Migration SEM
Unemployment Insurance and public employment service portal
Öffentliche Arbeitsvermittlung
Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO
Recognition of Foreign Qualifications
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
Sozialversicherungen: Fragen und Antworten zur Krise Ukraine/Russland
Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen BSV
Asylum procedure
Asylum procedure
State Secretariat for Migration SEM
Dauer der Kostenerstattungspflicht
Asylverordnung 2 über Finanzierungsfragen (AsylV 2)
General information
Eidgenössisches Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport VBS
Die Schweizer Armee hilft
Schweizer Armee, Verteidigung
War in Ukraine
Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP
- War in Ukraine: Switzerland grants protection to people fleeing the war
Ukrainische Flüchtlinge
Federal Department of Justice and Police FDJP
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
SDC Home
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Ukraine-Info für Gemeinden
Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband
Sonderseite Ukraine
Bundesamt für Statistik
Survey - Tell us your story
European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
Press releases
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Press conferences
Last modification 13.01.2025
Social Media
YouTube-Kanal SEM
Twitter-Kanal SEM
Twitter-Kanal EJPD
SEM auf LinkedIn
InfoPers Social Media