
«integration-info»  app

From cultural particularities to school, and from the world of work to our healthcare and political system – the ‘integration-info’ app contains lots of useful information about life in Switzerland. In addition to a general section, the app also has a specific section for people going through asylum proceedings in Switzerland and those with S status.

The application is available in 18 languages and certain topics are presented as videos. App users will also find many useful addresses and links to integration offices in the various cantons and cities, as well as to the cantonal migration and labour authorities. The app is constantly being developed and updated. A read-aloud function and further videos are planned.

Information brochure for people seeking protection

The brochure provides concise information in language that is easy to understand on the topics of status, legal provisions, identity documents, place of residence, change of canton, travel abroad, family reunification, integration, integration support, education, employment, further education, health, social insurance and social welfare support.

The information is also available online at  

Kurzinformationen für Schutzsuchende – Status S

Migration Report 2023

Discover the facts that shaped the year 2023 in terms of migration.


Foreign Population and Asylum Statistics 2023

Titelbild der Publikation «Ausländer- und Asylstatistik»

Brochure for refugees and temporarily admitted persons

The brochure contains basic information in simple terms on topics such as status, legal provisions, permits for foreigners, place of residence, changing cantons, travel abroad, bringing family members to Switzerland, integration, schools, employment, vocational training, health, social insurance, taxes and welfare assistance.

The brochure was updated with regard to the entry into force of the Foreign Nationals and Integration Act (FNIA) on 1 January 2019.

other languages:


Titelbild der Informationsbroschüre des SEM für Flüchtlinge und vorläufig Aufgenommene

Strategy for Integrated Border Management 2027

The aim of Integrated Border Management (IBM) is to manage the Schengen external borders effectively, efficiently and in an orderly manner, in order to make these borders more secure by conducting better controls, while at the same time keeping borders as open as possible for legal travellers.

Titelbild der Publikation «Strategie der Integrierten Grenzverwaltung 2027»

Final Report of the "Integrated Border Management" Strategy Group

On 1 June 2012, the Federal Council approved the IBM Strategy jointly formulated by federal and cantonal representatives. The strategy consolidates all federal and cantonal activities to combat illegal migration, human trafficking and transnational crime. A further purpose of the strategy is to facilitate border-crossing for people entering Switzerland legitimately.

Titelbild des Schlussberichts der Strategiegruppe «Integrierte Grenzverwaltung»

Welcome to Switzerland

Information for new residents arriving from abroad

Titelbild der Informationsbroschüre «Willkommen in der Schweiz»

Study: The population of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Switzerland

Studie «Die Bevölkerung von Bosnien und Herzegowina in der Schweiz»

Swiss Social insurance system:
Sojourn in Switzerland and departure

Information for foreign nationals

The pamphlet explains the elements of the Swiss social insurance systems, i.e. the Swiss old-age, survivors’ and disability insurance (AHV/IV, 1st pillar) and the occupational benefit plans (2nd pillar). It gives you practical information when planning your definitive departure from Switzerland.

Titelbild der Broschüre «Sozialversicherungen»

Documentary "Return for the future? – Stories and voices of Return Assistance"

In the film various people talk about asylum and return, describing the conflicting interests, challenges and possibilities of return assistance. Three case studies show how those involved cope with returning to their home country.

Cover picture of the documentary "Return for the future? – Stories and voices of Return Assistance"


Last modification 16.04.2020

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