The right to dual nationality has been recognised without restriction in Switzerland since 1 January 1992. Under Swiss law, if you become a Swiss citizen, you no longer need to give up your previous citizenship. However, it is still possible that under the law in your country of origin, you automatically lose your citizenship of that country if you opt to acquire the citizenship of another country.
Most dual nationals no longer acquire their status as a consequence of naturalisation; since in almost all countries both men and women are entitled to pass on their citizenship to their children, children who have parents from different countries acquire at least two nationalities.
Swiss citizens who acquire another nationality when abroad do not have to give up their Swiss citizenship unless the other country requires them to do so.
The Swiss authorities are unable to provide any information on whether you will lose or keep your current nationality if you naturalise as a Swiss citizen. If you want information on this, you should contact the authorities of the country concerned. In Switzerland, you can contact the country’s diplomatic or consular representations.
Military service for dual nationals
Military service is normally performed in the country where the person concerned is living at the time of recruitment. People who have already performed military service for another country will not be called up in Switzerland.
Legal basis
Federal Act on Swiss Citizenship (Swiss Citizenship Act)
(SCA, CC 141.0, in force from 1.1.2018)
Verordnung über das Schweizer Bürgerrecht (Bürgerrechtsverordnung)
(BüV, SR 141.01, in Kraft ab 1.1.2018)
(Ordinance on the Swiss Citizenship. Available in German, French and Italian)
Handbook on citizenship for applications from 1.1.2018
in German
in French
in Italian
Botschaft des Bundesrats vom 4. März 2011 zur Totalrevision des Bundesgesetzes über das Schweizer Bürgerrecht
(Federal Council Dispatch of 4 March 2011 on the total revision of the Federal Act on Swiss Citizenship. This document is not available in English)
Erläuternder Bericht zur Totalrevision des Bundesgesetzes über das Schweizer Bürgerrecht
(Explanatory report on the complete revision of the Federal Act on Swiss Citizenship. This document is not available in English)
Last modification 20.12.2020