Certification of an extract from the Register of Convictions by the Federal Chancellery

Certification is necessary if the extract is required by a foreign authority or an embassy (e.g. for a visa).

If you haven't obtained an extract from the Register of Convictions yet, you can order a certified extract directly for an additional fee.

If you already have an extract from the Register of Convictions and would like to have it certified:

Please contact the Federal Chancellery directly. The Federal Chancellery is responsible for certifying the extracts.

Swiss Federal Chancellery
Gurtengasse 5
CH-3003 Bern
T +41 58 462 37 69

In addition to the document to be certified, please give the Federal Chancellery the following information and items:

  • Country for which the document is required
  • Proof of prepayment of CHF 20 per legalization with a copy of the receipt for the bank transfer:
    PC account 30-349292-2
    IBAN CH35 0900 0000 3034 9292 2
  • A stamped self-addressed envelope
  • A telephone number where we can contact you if we have any questions.

Last modification 11.11.2024

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