EMRP, EMPIR and other research projects

METAS’s research and development activities focus on improving and expanding the services on offer. In addition, METAS researchers are actively involved in individual projects of basic research, thereby contributing to the ongoing development of the International System of Units (SI).


METAS conducts its research and development to a large extent within the framework of European metrology research programmes. The European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) and the EU Commission have jointly developed the “European Metrology Research Programme” (EMRP) and its successor programme, the “European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research” (EMPIR). The goal of these programmes is to improve the international coordination of research conducted by the national metrology institutes and to strengthen their collaboration.

The EMRP programme runs from 2009 to 2016. The last of the five project tenders was issued in 2013. Here METAS and the designated institute PMOD are collaborating on 36 out of the total of 117 approved projects.

In the EMPIR programme, seven project tenders are envisaged during the period from 2014 until 2020.

Last modification 24.09.2024

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Federal Institut of Metrology
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